Mridul Aanjaneya
[PHOTO] Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University
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Volumetric Muscle Controller

Seunghwan Lee, Nathan Mitchell, Mridul Aanjaneya, Eftychios Sifakis and Jehee Lee
Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA proceedings), 32:1-2, (2017)


Abstract: We describe a controller with a fully integrated musculoskeletal model actuated by more than a hundred muscles. Inspired by a QP-based control algorithm, we improved the algorithm to control the volumetric muscles directly. Furthermore, the highly-detailed musculoskeleton was modeled using a non-manifold method and a computation time was effectively reduced through implicit jacobian computation. Our entire system can simulate the musculoskeleton model with detailed volumetric muscles in a feasible computation time.

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