CS428: Introduction to Computer Graphics

Welcome to CS 428! This course is an introduction to Computer Graphics, and covers a wide range of topics such as geometric modeling, physics-based rendering, and microcontroller programming. The class begins with an introduction to various software suites, and each successive lecture builds upon the concepts covered in the previous class.

Time: 5:00PM - 6:20PM, Mondays/Wednesdays, Spring 2019
Place: CoRE 101, Busch Campus
Instructor: Mridul Aanjaneya
Office: CBIM Room 18
Office hours: Monday/Wednesday (1PM - 2PM)
Graders: Shuya Zhao, Mingxiao Liu, Yixuan Duan
Office: Hill 264A
Office hours: Tuesday (10AM - 12PM)

Email Policy: You are welcome to email the instructor about class-related issues. Please start your subject line with “CS 428:”. However, please do not always count on an immediate reply. Although most questions will be answered quickly, in the worst case you will receive a reply during (or shortly after) the instructors’ next scheduled office hours.

Grading Policy: Grades will be awarded based on class participation, homeworks, and a term project. The final grade will be computed as follows:

70% x (homeworks) + 25% x (term project) + 5% x (class participation)

Class participation: Participation in class will be evaluated based on the number of classes attended, enthusiasm for answering the instructor’s questions, and willingness to help other students.

Collaboration: Students are encouraged to form teams of two for the term project. However, all homework must be done individually by each student.

Typing resources: All homework should be typed. Students can choose their favorite platform for typing out their homework, some commonly used softwares are Microsoft Word, LaTeX, and LyX. Thanks to a former student, Alex Ames, here is a LyX guide and associated source files used to generate it.

News and Announcements:

  • (01/23) Discussion is now open on Piazza.
  • (01/30) There will be no class on Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2019.
  • Project proposal along with names of team members is due no later than (02/27).
  • (02/13) Homework #1 is due on (02/24).
  • (03/11) Homework #2 is due on (04/02).
  • (03/27) There will be no class on Wednesday, Apr. 3, 2019.
  • (04/01) Homework #3 is due on (04/21).

Coding Resources:

Thanks to a current student, Mr. Yijia Liu, here is a guide to OpenGL programming with Visual Studio 2017 on Windows: PDF

Thanks to Ms. Laurel Han, here is a guide to using Maya and RenderMan on the iLab machines: PDF

Modeling and Rendering Resources:

  1. Blender
  2. Autodesk Maya
  3. PBRT
  4. RenderMan
  5. Houdini

Hardware Resources:

1. Elegoo EL-KIT-008 Mega 2560 Project The Most Complete Ultimate Starter Kit w/TUTORIAL for Arduino UNO Nano, Amazon.

2. Elegoo EL-KIT-003 UNO Project Super Starter Kit with Tutorial for Arduino, Amazon.