3.1. Variables and Data Types

Unlike Java or C++, which are compiler-based languages, Python is an interpreter-based language. This means that each program is executed line-by-line with no preprocessing for speeding up the execution time. As a consequence, the developer does not have to specify the variable type before a given variable name. Python follows the same rules for naming variables as Java or C++, so we will not repeat them here for brevity. The value of any variable can be printed using the print keyword. Some examples of variable assignments are given below:

>>> myint = 7
>>> myfloat = 7.0
>>> mystring = "hello"

3.1.1. Strings

A string is simply a sequence of characters. All characters inside single or double quotes constitute a string in Python. This gives flexibility in using both quotes and apostrophes within strings, as shown below:

>>> mystring = '"Come into my parlor", said the spider to the fly.'
>>> print mystring
"Come into my parlor", said the spider to the fly.

Two strings can be conveniently concatenated together using the + operator. Python provides many built-in functions for string processing also, such as title which capitalizes the first letter of every word, upper which capitalizes all letters, lower which converts all characters to lower case, or rstrip which deletes all whitespaces, just to name a few. Note that a number can also be converted into string using the str keyword, as shown below:

>>> mystring = "Index "+str(23)+" has value: "+str(1.5)
>>> mystring
'Index 23 has value: 1.5'

Since scientific computing algorithms will primarily consider numeric values, we will not dive too deep into string processing with Python.

3.1.2. Integers

Integers types are supported in Python with all the usual addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and modulo (%) operators. Additionally, one can raise a number to a specified power using the double-multiplication (**) operator.

>>> a = 5
>>> b = 3
>>> a+b
>>> a-b
>>> a*b
>>> a/b
>>> a%b
>>> a**b

Note that a/b gives us a value of 1 because both the arguments are integers, so the / operator corresponds to integer division. If we wanted a floating-point value, we can explicitly convert one argument to float, as shown below:

>>> float(a)/b
>>> a/float(b)

3.1.3. Floats

We have already discussed floating-point numbers at length in the previous chapter. Such numbers support all the usual arithmetic operators as integers. The modulo (%) operator generalizes to include the fractional part in this case. A floating-point number can be explicitly converted to an integer using the int keyword. This is also useful for extracting the fractional part, as shown below:

>>> a = 5.3
>>> int(a)              # integer part
>>> a-int(a)            # fractional part
>>> b = 2
>>> a%b

Comments can be specified by preceding the text with the # sign, as shown above. Note how Python approximates the simple value of 0.3 with the more complex expression 0.2999999999999998 as shown above. As explained in the previous chapter, this happens because of limited precision available on the computer. In later chapters, we will discuss this issue at length and specifically study the design of algorithms that do not produce wrong results because of cancellations between approximate (limited precision) representations.