.. Nova documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Aug 31 17:54:08 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. CS523: Computer Graphics ======================== Welcome to CS 523! This course is an introduction to Physics-based animation techniques in Computer Graphics, and covers a wide range of topics such as rigid body dynamics, volumetric elastic solids, and incompressible fluids. The class begins with an introduction to numerical methods for ordinary differential equations, and each successive lecture builds upon the concepts covered in the previous class. | **Time:** 3:20PM - 4:40PM, Mondays/Wednesdays, Fall 2018 | **Place:** BE 253, Livingston | **Instructor:** `Mridul Aanjaneya `_ | **Office:** CBIM Room 18 | **Office hours:** Monday (1PM - 2PM) | **Email:** mridul.aanjaneya@rutgers.edu **Email Policy:** You are welcome to email the instructor about class-related issues. Please start your subject line with \"**CS 523:**\". However, please do not always count on an immediate reply. Although most questions will be answered quickly, in the worst case you will receive a reply during (or shortly after) the instructors' *next* scheduled office hours. **Grading Policy:** Grades will be awarded based on class participation, 3 homeworks, and a term project. The final grade will be computed as follows: 65% x (term project) + 3 x 10% x (homework) + 5% x (class participation) **Class participation:** Participation in class will be evaluated based on the number of classes attended, enthusiasm for answering the instructor's questions, and willingness to help other students. **Collaboration:** Students are encouraged to form teams for the term project. However, **all homework must be done individually by each student**. **Typing resources:** All homework should be typed. Students can choose their favorite platform for typing out their homework, some commonly used softwares are `Microsoft Word `_, `LaTeX `_, and `LyX `_. Thanks to a former student, Alex Ames, here is a `LyX guide `_ and associated `source files `_ used to generate it. News and Announcements: ----------------------- * (09/12) `Homework #1 `_ is due on (09/26). * `Project proposal `_ along with names of team members is due on (10/15). * (10/08) `Homework #2 `_ is due on (10/29). * (11/15) `Homework #3 `_ is due on (12/06). .. toctree:: :numbered: :hidden: :maxdepth: 3 Homework #1 Project Proposal Homework #2 Homework #3 Contents: --------- .. toctree:: :numbered: :includehidden: :maxdepth: 3 Ordinary Differential Equations Rigid Body Dynamics Volumetric Elastic Solids Linear Systems of Equations Marching Cubes Matrix-Vector Product Introduction to Conjugate Gradients Fast Marching and Velocity Extrapolation Multigrid Solver Variable Density Flow Coding Resources: ----------------- 1. `Open Dynamics Engine `_ 2. `Bullet Physics `_ 3. `DART `_ 4. `Chrono `_ 5. `Mujoco `_ 6. `MantaFlow `_ Recommended Books: ------------------ 1. R\. Bridson, `Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics `_, AK Peters/CRC Press, second edition, 2015\. 2. D\. House and J\. C\. Keyser, `Foundations of Physically Based Modeling and Animation `_, AK Peters/CRC Press, 2016\. 3. S\. Osher and R\. Fedkiw, `Level Set Methods and Dynamic Implicit Surfaces `_, Springer, 2003.